1st of all, glad you are here. means u are very loyal to me, right?
2nd, happy new year! wish you all the best!
3rd, continue follow my update, k?
hahahhahaa... belows are my wishes, hope, or changes wanna do it future lah...
please click “read more" to READ MORE lah!! hahahhahahaaa....
请按“read more"来阅读更多啦!
1.hope my mum recover soon
2.hope my dad is really well management on this on business or investment.
3.hope my younger sister can really consider what subject or what future she wants. hope her bf treat her lagi best, behave more good good, coz sometimes to emotional, be mature more...
4.hope my family will have a big group photo on chinese new year!
5.hope i can link up all my cousins because we in a big family, leaving in different places, so i hope i can do somethg to let us stay close.
1.Hope our 5H will keep continue haivng gathering no matter i'm not around.
2.hope all my friends will get a awesome, great soulmates in their precious lifes.
3. hope still will have a project or any crossovers on my all friends and buddies.
4. I really appreciate those who really gives me advice, cares, opinions, or really helps me, inspiring me, play together with me alot alot, no matter online or offline friends, those real friends or web friends that havent meet up b4, alot alot precious friends and moments happened in my life. hope somedays i cant show my appreciation of me on you.
5.i hope all of them wont argue with each other, no matter what happen.
1.actually i'm resigning soon. becoz i;m going to continue study soon. so i hope i can do well later lah.其实我即将辞职了,因为我已经要去升学了。就希望到那里会过得很好。
2.hope i can do well more in website design.希望可以更深入的学网页设计。
3.Next time i hope i can have a photography gallery book is about jonker walk. like go to jonker free snap photos for people, then collects those smile, sadness or even any interesting.
4. hope next time i can find a true design identity for my own, or become famous artist like nigo, kaws, likeblack,dorophy tang...希望将来真的可以成为有个人风格的设计创作者,想nigo,TK,likeblack,dorophy tang, kaws 等等的大师级人物。
5.i love music also, so i hope i can start composing song back to sell. hahahhaa....
希望能从新真正开始写歌,真的能做出好歌。这真的要感谢 Aki黄淑惠的分享与inspiring啦!
6.hope having more possiblity on my photography skills and harwares lah...
7.i hope i can do well t-shirt design, to sell in threadless de. hahahaha....
2.hope i can do well more in website design.希望可以更深入的学网页设计。
3.Next time i hope i can have a photography gallery book is about jonker walk. like go to jonker free snap photos for people, then collects those smile, sadness or even any interesting.
4. hope next time i can find a true design identity for my own, or become famous artist like nigo, kaws, likeblack,dorophy tang...希望将来真的可以成为有个人风格的设计创作者,想nigo,TK,likeblack,dorophy tang, kaws 等等的大师级人物。
5.i love music also, so i hope i can start composing song back to sell. hahahhaa....
希望能从新真正开始写歌,真的能做出好歌。这真的要感谢 Aki黄淑惠的分享与inspiring啦!
6.hope having more possiblity on my photography skills and harwares lah...
7.i hope i can do well t-shirt design, to sell in threadless de. hahahaha....
1.actually i wanna upgrade all my equipments to have better quality and posibilities. hahaha, like hope can upgrade to 7D( or 7D replacement, but today i heard review said 60D better lah, on sound recording part lah.. hehehe....) have an tokina11-16 f2.8, 17-40 f2, 8mm fisheye samyang, 70-200?? more flashgun di866 or ex580II? tripod and more more more lah.. wakakaka....其实希望可以升级一些器材啦,可以有更好的摄影范围,有更好的表现。
2. belows are the titles that i hope i can shoot it on future:以下是我希望未来可以拍到的照片:
- cute kids可爱的小孩。
- light bulb concept outfit (zara your idea)灯泡设计服装
- a girl with white white fabric 白色大布的主题
- a girl came out from water 出水芙蓉的精灵
- interview of celebrities 艺人采访还是访问
- lingeries? hahahaha.... 睡衣还是内在美系列?
- pretty photos that sexy but didnt feels like too horny or bad thking 性感却不油腻的性感照片
- melaka jonker smile project 马六甲笑容收集
- my own grandma 自己的外婆
- fashion photography 时尚摄影
- nightclub or bar photography 活动派对夜店酒吧摄影
- somethg weird, shock or interesting 更加奇怪特别异样的都想尝试
- and much more actually, suddenly cant list out其实很多都想尝试一下,一下想不起来!
1. i hope i can have a better guitar. 希望可以拥有更好的吉他。
2. can have better basketball shoes and return to the court.买一双不会在让我拗到脚的篮球鞋啦,希望可以赶快回到球场上。
3. play more film and explore more in lomgraphy 万更多的菲林摄影啦!
4.really hope my future study is pretty smooth and wonderful lah! 真的希望我的升学会是一个很棒很棒的旅程,虽然伤心不快乐一定会有,但还是尽量希望少一点啦!
actually i'm still alot things need to improve and do it, these are just a memorandum or a record for future refer.so, wish you have a great dream, and wish me too lah......
2. belows are the titles that i hope i can shoot it on future:以下是我希望未来可以拍到的照片:
- cute kids可爱的小孩。
- light bulb concept outfit (zara your idea)灯泡设计服装
- a girl with white white fabric 白色大布的主题
- a girl came out from water 出水芙蓉的精灵
- interview of celebrities 艺人采访还是访问
- lingeries? hahahaha.... 睡衣还是内在美系列?
- pretty photos that sexy but didnt feels like too horny or bad thking 性感却不油腻的性感照片
- melaka jonker smile project 马六甲笑容收集
- my own grandma 自己的外婆
- fashion photography 时尚摄影
- nightclub or bar photography 活动派对夜店酒吧摄影
- somethg weird, shock or interesting 更加奇怪特别异样的都想尝试
- and much more actually, suddenly cant list out其实很多都想尝试一下,一下想不起来!
1. i hope i can have a better guitar. 希望可以拥有更好的吉他。
2. can have better basketball shoes and return to the court.买一双不会在让我拗到脚的篮球鞋啦,希望可以赶快回到球场上。
3. play more film and explore more in lomgraphy 万更多的菲林摄影啦!
4.really hope my future study is pretty smooth and wonderful lah! 真的希望我的升学会是一个很棒很棒的旅程,虽然伤心不快乐一定会有,但还是尽量希望少一点啦!
actually i'm still alot things need to improve and do it, these are just a memorandum or a record for future refer.so, wish you have a great dream, and wish me too lah......
10 則留言:
也太详细了吧~~~~~~~~ 厉害到!!!!!
我有興趣我有興趣找我合作找我合作 XD
加油吧 :)
哇~升学快乐XDD 祝你新的一年会更好。加油吧~
You sure have a lot of wishes! :D
That's very details of more like 'to-do-list' XD
"- pretty photos that sexy but didnt feels like too horny or bad thking 性感却不油腻的性感照片" - if got go take sexy girls dun forget me ar... haha
happy 2011! have a great one yourself!