1. Is there something interesting in your email?
2. Is there something interesting in the news?
3. Is there a new product that has just been released?
4. Write about something you’d like to invent
5. Write about a concept design you read about
6. Write a “The Best of ____” post
7. Write about an event you attended
8. Write about comment sense things that everyone should know
9. Write about a historical event
10. Write a list post
please click " read more" to see more. k? jajajahahahaaa...
11. Write about your opinion on something that is different than the standard opinion
12. Write a book review
13. Write a follow up to an earlier post
14. Write a rant
15. Write about your favorite city
16. Write a mission statement for your blog
17. Write about new trends or new technologies
18. Write about “the ugly truth” about something
19. Write about inspirational artwork you found online or in a gallery
20. Answer a question from a reader
21. Video yourself doing something funny or complicated
22. Do a case study/conduct an experiment – reveal the results
23. Give a tour of your blog
24. Pose a question
25. Create some visual eye candy with beautiful pictures
26. Analyze a graph, pie chart or flowchart
27. Conduct a poll and write about the results and your conclusions
28. Create a list of your most favorite posts or websites
28. Write a ‘part 2’ or follow up to a previous post
29. Draw inspiration from your readers, and the comments that they leave
You Can Always Count on Your Favorite Websites for Blogging Inspiration
“Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there’s Google.” ~ Unknown
“Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there’s Google.” ~ Unknown
30. Twitter
31. YouTube
32. Delicious
33. Google Wonder Wheel
34. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
35. 100 Creative Writing Blogs
37. 75 Blog Quotes For Inspiration, Creativity & Success
38. F.ind I.nspiration T.oday
39. Fuel Your Writing
40. Flickr
41. Hot Topics – Inspiration for Bloggers
42. Mind Mapping
43. Your favorite blogs
44. Article directories
45. Online forums
46. Google’s auto-suggest
Dream a Little, or a Lot!
“Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power.” ~ H.F. Hedge
“Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power.” ~ H.F. Hedge
47. Write about three wishes you would ask your genie
48. Write about the internal dialogue you have with yourself
49. Write about a famous person you’d like to be friends with
50. Watch a sunrise or sunset and meditate for inspiration
51. Listen to some great music and let your mind wander to something random
52. Read your journal (keep an idea/dream log at all times)
Engage Others!
“I get by with a little help from my friends.” ~ John Lennon
“I get by with a little help from my friends.” ~ John Lennon
53. Interview someone interesting
54. Interact with someone in person or in a platform like Google wave
55. Invite a guest writer
56. Think about conversations you’ve had with friends in person or on the phone
57. Praise another blogger that you really admire
58. Talk to other bloggers and exchange ideas
59. Expand on someone else’s post
60. Write about a success story
Get Off Your Computer!
“If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.” ~ Bob Basso
“If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.” ~ Bob Basso
61. Visit your local library or bookstore
62. Listen for ideas at your workplace
63. Check TV shows that are popular
64. Go people watching
65. Get out in nature
66. Listen to talk radio
67. Pay attention to daily events
68. Watch a great movie
69. Watch Oprah (yes, I’m for real)
70. Change your routine (get a whole new perspective)
71. Read magazine headlines (especially Cosmo – great headlines!)
Get Up Close and Personal
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
72. Write about challenges you’ve faced
73. Write about your bucket list
74. Write about poetry or music that you have written
75. Write about someone you love
76. Write about the greatest lesson you’ve learned in your life
77. Write about the things or people you are thankful for
78. Write a stream of consciousness post
79. Write about a good or bad habit that you have
80. Write about a quote that is meaningful to you
81. Draw inspiration from your children or your pets
82. Describe something from your childhood
83. Share a really good decision you made recently
Helping Your Readers Is a Gift You Give to Yourself
“To do more for the world than the world does for you. That is success.” ~ Henry Ford
“To do more for the world than the world does for you. That is success.” ~ Henry Ford
84. Write a post for beginners on a specific topic
85. Write a post that is for advanced readers on a specific topic
86. Write about FAQs for your niche
87. Write a “____ for Dummies” post
88. Write a how-to about something you do really well
89. Write about a hack or cheat for your industry
90. Write about the pros and cons of something
91. Write a post to make your readers laugh
92. Give away secrets to your readers
93. Make a list of resources that will help your readers
94. Write about “How to remain productive when ______”
95. Write a tutorial
96. Solve a problem
97. Run a contest/giveaway
98. Take an idea from another industry and write about how it could work in yours
99. Take something complicated and break it down into a bite sized step by step list
100. Write about ideas and places where your readers might find blogging inspiration!
hahahaha.. this is directly copy from website:
go n thank you me and him lah! hehehee...