
2015 Quilt_ Project Red.

 my dear friends, please join this event to support the project red for the aids event. if u done this, u can free download a christmas song, so, why reject this invitation?
so, my dear bloggers, please complete it and spread the message to others. i think my power is kinda small, but i believe the power of spreading out in blogs. so, let's us together to spread this great news to others, ok?

其實這是不是什麼大事,不過我覺得就參加了滿有意義的活動。這是project red 的聖誕節活動。就是可以上去弄一個頭像,然後可以免費下載一首聖誕歌。
你知道什麼是project red嗎?其實它跟了很多出名牌子合作過出商品然後募款來幫助艾滋病運動。所以,大家不妨可以上去支持看看。

p/s: 當初回想為什麼自己的聖誕節不是冷的,現在想的是為什麼自己的聖誕節不是在馬六甲過。

2 則留言:

dblchin (double chin) 說...

yay i Love X'mas songs! :)))

edmund ng 說...

cool!so faster go n do a picture, and grab down the x'mas song lah! hahahaa...


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